Posts Written ByRichard Dawkins


how to design a home for the elderly

There are a lot of physical and health challenges that come with age. While these challenges affect older people differently, there is a consensus that making their living and recreational spaces easy and safe to navigate greatly improves the quality of life. Whether they live alone or share a home with their families, it is important to ensure that elderly people are in a comfortable and secure environment. There are several elderly friendly home design tips that can help transform and optimize living and relaxation spaces for elderly occupants. Ensure The Rooms Are Traffic and Hazard-Free. Trips and falls are…

CEO Spotlight: Robert Bassam

Everyone has something they love so much it becomes an obsession. Robert Bassam’s obsession is cars. Despite growing up poor and having little knowledge of business, Robert Bassam has managed to turn his obsession into a successful business that’s still going strong after three decades. Who is Robert Bassam? Robert Bassam was born in 1966 to poor parents who had to rely on food stamps and welfare to get by. Despite this tough background Bassam had big dreams like most other kids and he pursued them. Today, Robert Bassam is the CEO and founder of Easterns automotive group, a group…

Senior Trips Planning Guide

senior trips planning

Traveling, fun as it is, can be notoriously difficult to plan, pandemic or not. Seniors, like everyone else have various reasons to travel either to visit family or simply for fun. They often have to take extra care in planning in order to adequately accommodate the needs unique to them. Here’s a guide to better senior trips planning. Table of Contents Do proper research As soon as you make the decision to travel and settle on the dates, start researching travel services that are most accommodating for seniors. Take care to find the quickest and least stressful means to your…

Selling Your Business and Knowing Your Business Buyers

If you’ve reached the time in your life where it’s time sell your business and none of the kids are interested in taking it over, then read on. To successfully sell a mid-sized business, you need to know and understand the market.  You need to know what your business buyers are looking for, where they come from, how much money they are willing to spend, and exactly what they are looking for. This allows you to market your business to them more successfully. You need to consider how investors look at business deals and how they approach them. Most of…